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Role Reversal Dress Rehersal

World trends are beginning to start what is a so called "healthy" kick. It's beginng with the high powered fashion industry slowly easing away from the super skinny models that are the current "standard" by setting a BMI point to which they will have to meet or risk being fired and banned from the runways. So far only a low bmi rate has been set (18 to 18.5 range). However to date no high level bmi point has been set for the plus size models. There has even been recent calling of clothing manufactures to cease production of garments that are specifically for the super thin, with much outcrys of the size 00. Even more recent is the calling of clothing companies to place warning labels of larger size clothing about the obesity health factors. This is more than likely the prequel to the next in the firing line, the setting of the high bmi rate for plus size models. Is this the "healthy" trend? No. It's a trend of super perfectionism of which if you are not too under or over weight then you are alright reguardless of your actual real health. It's all an illusion.

To reverse things a bit, many eating disorders start from being discriminated against due to your own "size". It's a wrong "lookist" society that does such dastardly deeds to put one down because of what they look like. Who cares? If someone is healthy, happy and enjoying themselves for who and what they are ... who has a right to say they are not anothers version of "perfect"? Many females eating disorders have roots within being put down for their size, mostly being what others say is "too big". Many males on the other hand have the eating disordered roots of being picked on for being "too small". From a personal prespective, this is a wrong way to judge anyone based on weight. It's no different that prejudice based on race, colour, creed, religion, gender, sexuality ... and the list goes on. Hate is hate reguardless.

To properly base health, it must be based on real health and not numbers of an inaccurate scale of measure. Base what models can or cannot do by a medical and physical record done by a professional accredited doctor. Some people are natually smaller, some are naturally bigger. Only a true health record knows for sure.

It's time to stop the size scene. If you are bigger, it's nothing to be ashamed about and putting false insecurites within your mind. If your smaller, you should have a right to get that clothing in your size too. And stop calling it "plus size" and "petite" ... call it what it really is ... clothing for the people. Like do we need to be seperated in the bus too like the colour prejudice in the 60's? Hell no. So why seperate us within the clothing isles and stores? It is not right, it is not ok. I've seen both sides of the weight gender fence and it hurts me alot to see this going on, and getting worser by the day.

Live and let live, dress and be free.

Rehersal is over.

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