MiAna Place Forum
This forum is the evolution of Pro-Ana, and is done very differently to any other eating disorder support forum out there today. The way it was, you'd join a forum and be exposed to alot of areas to which you would not otherwise be knowing of. This can be good in one way, however without being disordered in one area there is no way you can help another who is. If anything it creates a criss cross of negative ways and in some cases has one "trading" one disorder for another. That does not work for the better of anyone.
On here, you will notice that you only see a few regular areas that have nothing to do with eating disorders. Just plain normal content you'd see on any other forum. That's point one. They are the "fits all" areas so everyone can participate in those all they like.
But where are the eating disorder areas?
For those areas you have to select what areas that you need help with. Up top you will notice a link with the words "Usergroups". Just click on that. Once there, you will see a few selections (yup, with the cutsie Pro-Ana names) like Ana, Mia, Chloe ... Pick one and you will see what that group is all about (but I'm sure you know what Ana group is)

When you find the one (or ones ... you can join more than one, even all of them) ... just click Join group. Then you can come back to the forum, and see the areas you needed are now open for you.
But I'm recovering and an area is triggering me too much!
That has been resolved too now. If you are having personal problems with an area triggering you too much, just as easy as when you joined it, you can reverse the steps and leave that group and you will no longer have access to that area (or areas) yet still be able to see the same safe areas. Can you go back? Of course, at any time.
A totally new concept, the freedom of choice, the power of you the member selecting what areas you need ... making the Place into the Home you always wanted.
Enough of the speach, how do I get in?
Click Here to enter the forum and register.