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from Scarborough | Canada
04.01.2025 | 16:32
Hi im kylie and i came here cause this is my last resort im done of feeling heavy i want to lose weight be happy i miss my sick days and idc if i get back to my bad states i have to , being pretty hurts if u guys have tips and stuff it would help i was diagnosed with bulimia but its not enough
from Ohio | U.S.A
04.12.2024 | 17:16
Looking For General Connections (25+years of age only)

So, I noticed that it is so hard trying to find others that are ED related or that likes to practice fasting. I remember like a decade or so ago finding these pro-ana mia sites weren't that hard but, nowadays when browsing online for pro-ana sites you rarely come across anything. Anyways, I am Black American and I am
29 years of age soon to be 30. I'm looking for 25+ years of age people to talk to and please DO NOT be under the age of 25. I am a female btw. I will explain more about myself regarding the proana ED community thing. If you're interested in wanting to talk and if you are looking for friendship please just email me at:
sleepingbeauty10@myyahoo.com Please let me know where you found me because I may forget that I even posted this post/ad. Once again, I don't think that I have a ED I just enjoy fasting but, I guess some people think that fasting can go hand in hand with an ED and I've always been obsessed with anything body image related...
Light Bones
from Germany
13.11.2024 | 15:52

Visit us if u want, german ED Forum
from Hulsel | netherlands
07.11.2024 | 17:37

hi, my name is seth i would like to have some friends who i can talk to that wont talk me out of fasting omad ect. but support me with it, i hope for a friend that i can share tips and tricks with and the other way around my Insta is : ssgebbb
from colombia
18.10.2024 | 15:07
hi, my name is Kate and i want to be super anorexic I have diagnosed anorexia but I have been forced to recover
iyanlalyric on edtwt
from atlanta | United States
04.10.2024 | 06:37
lost 60 lbs - need to lose 30 more to be perfect

I had a really high start weight, so I'm not quite where I want to be, but I feel like I will be soon. I am dedicating the next 3 months to losing the rest of this weight. If you wanna be partners and keep each other motivated I'd love that!
from Hulsel | netherlands
30.09.2024 | 04:30

hello im 18 and i was wondering if anyone was still on this website and if someone wants to be friends glasses
22.09.2024 | 10:11
Hi. I am very pleased that there is t forums like these. I've known anorexia for nineteen years. My principle towards the topic: I do not judge, I support and advise. If you want to talk about our cute ailment or other topics, please contact me. I greet all of you, regardless of what you are here for. I send hugs and a lot of positive energy Flower big grin smile
from Texas | U.S
11.09.2024 | 15:13
Intertwined the force that bonds us a spirits of universal creation

Hi bunny here my cw:153 gw:130 (for now) I want to be model I will comeback when I reach my goal
from ohio | usa
10.09.2024 | 18:29
ohio freinds

im 17 soon to be 18 from ohio usa looking for a anorexic or bulimic friend ortho is okay too ! dm me on my.fadingobsessions Scenehikokimori

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